Recipe For a Sale

Recipe For a Sale


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There are 7 main ingredients that make up the sale of your home:

  1. LOCATION  We usually cannot move a home!  To quote the favorite phrase of appraisers, “Location, location, location!”  The pricing of your home must reflect its location.
  2. CONDITION  The upkeep and good condition of your property is crucial to obtain the highest value for your home in any given market at any given time.
  3. PRICE  Price is the number one factor in the sale of a home.   A property is really only worth what one person is willing to pay another to gain ownership of it.  Price must be in direct relationship to the other six ingredients, and is the most important of all.
  4. TERMS   The more terms available on your property the more potential buyers you reach. The pricing of your property must reflect the kinds of terms available to purchase it.
  5. THE MARKET   i.e., Interest rates, competition, and the economy all make up and influence the state of the market when you sell your home.  The pricing of your property must reflect the current status of the market.
  6. STAGING®  Homes that are prepared for sale sell quicker and/or for more money! Staging will immediately give your property a marketing edge in any market.
  7. EXPOSURE   A property must have exposure in order to sell.   The use of a strategic marketing plan will reach more potential buyers.

When all of the above ingredients are in agreement…we have a sale!  If just one of them is out of line, it will take a longer time to sell and…the more ingredients that are out of line, the longer it will take before the sale of your home takes place.

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